Lake Superior and the New Magincia Lottery

Great Lakes and Atlantic had upwards of three-four times as many New Magincia lottery tickets sold as Lake Superior, but being that I didn’t have time to track any shards but my home shard, I’m going to present you with some data about Lake Superior and the New Magincia lottery.

This was personally verified by me up until about 30-45 minutes before Lake Superior went down for the normal daily maintenance and then came back up again, with the lottery winners being notified. It’s possible that somebody came in at the very last minute and bought a large number of tickets, but I think it’s unlikely.

By my calculations, there was a total of 2,728,896,000 gold spent overall. That’s 2.7 billion in gold. Not bad.

Both Facets – Northern Plots (N1, N2, N3, C2, C3, E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6, E7)
* 6,761 Tickets Sold
* Average of 281 tickets per plot

Trammel – Northern Plots (N1, N2, N3, C2, C3, E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6, E7)
* 5,304 Tickets Sold
* Average of 442 tickets per plot
* C-3 was the most popular plot with 452 tickets sold
* N-2 was the least popular plot with 436 tickets sold

Felucca – Northern Plots (N1, N2, N3, C2, C3, E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6, E7)
* 1,457 Tickets Sold
* Average of 121 tickets per plot
* C-2 was the most popular plot with 132 tickets sold
* E-5 was the least popular plot with 93 tickets sold

Both Plots – Southern Plots (SW1, SW2, SW3, SW4, SW5, SE1, SE2, SE3, SE4, C1)
* 1,330,643 Tickets Sold
* Average of 66,532 tickets sold per plot

Trammel – Southern Plots (SW1, SW2, SW3, SW4, SW5, SE1, SE2, SE3, SE4, C1)
* 1,150,125 Tickets Sold
* Average of 115,012 tickets per plot
* SE-1 was the most popular plot with 227,051 tickets sold
* SE-2 was the least popular plot with 74,979 tickets sold

Felucca – Southern Plots (SW1, SW2, SW3, SW4, SW5, SE1, SE2, SE3, SE4, C1)
* 180,518 Tickets Sold
* Average of 18,051 tickets per plot
* SW-1 was the most popular plot with 58,265 tickets sold
* SW-4 was the least popular plot with 6,129 tickets sold
* SE-2 and SE-3 had 6,939 and 6,891 tickets sold respectively
* SE-1 had 12, 667 tickets sold

Some Notes
* I saw Felucca numbers jump 10% – 20% on some plots in the evening before the plots were awarded.
* I was surprised that SE-2 on Trammel didn’t have more tickets sold. It will probably be close to the moongate once they move it, and will be near the new bank, as well as being near the site of the original bank. That happens to be where most of my runes for Magincia were marked.

I think the most interesting thing to me was how popular SW-1 was in Felucca, and SW-2 was in a distant second place, compared to SE-1 on Trammel, with SE-4 being in a distant second. I can partially attribute that to the HEMP guild – they look to own a few of those SW lots, and may have done a guild buy targeting a specific area, the SW spots.

As for me, I had bought a total of 388 tickets on Lake Superior, and won two houses, both in the northern section of Felucca. I bought tickets on every single plot on both facets as that was what I could afford. I was just hoping to win one and participate in New Magincia somehow. So far it is shaping up to be unique and not like Luna, although that may change once the additional phases of New Magincia’s reconstruction commence, such as the new vendor bazaar. I’m seeing a couple of museums on the Trammel side, and quite a few private homes (or guild houses) on both.

If somebody would like more details, or per plot details, I’d be more than happy to provide them for Lake Superior. If YOU have data you’d like to share about other shards, feel free to contact us and I’ll post them.

Lots Going on With New Magincia, Rubble, and Writs

Messages started popping up on from players who were losing rubble, then this was posted on UO Herald

There is an issue with rubble in Magincia. Please do not lock down your rubble in Magincia until further notice, or it will disappear from your house. We will have a fix for this issue shortly, thank you for your patience.

That has now been addressed and if you lost rubble, you will need to follow these directions, also from the UO Herald:

Deleted Rubble in Magincia

We have researched and discovered the reason Rubble is being deleted in Magincia. This issue will be fixed after your next maintenance on all shards. Until then, please do not do not lock down your Rubble in Magincia.

If you have lost Rubble, please send a list of lost items to along with your account name (no passwords), shard and your lot number. These items will attempt verified from a back up of your shard and your items will be replaced. Please make sure to lock down a container on your steps if you do not have a mailbox so we can drop these items into it.

When your items are replaced you will receive a confirmation email stating so.

Some shards – Legends, Great Lakes, Catskills, and Siege Perilous, had an issue with the Writs of Lease that were awarded in the New Magincia lottery. Some of the information was wrong, showing “Area 51” among other things on the Writs of Leases. This was also fixed this afternoon:

Update to Monday’s (4/11/2011) Publish

The shards Legends, Great Lakes, Catskills and Siege were taken down this afternoon to fix an issue with the Magincia Lot tickets not identifying themselves correctly. Remember you can not do a character transfer till after the next maintenance on these shards.

What to do With Used Writ of Lease

So what do you do with a used writ of lease once you’ve used it to place a plot on New Magincia?

You can keep it. You can sell it, you can toss it in a trash can, you can keep it with the house and if you ever get rid of the house, give it to somebody as a souvenir, or keep it as a souvenir yourself.

In this Stratics thread, Phoenix, aka Mike Moore, UO Systems Designer, reaffirmed this, mentioned the original New Magincia document pertaining to it, and stated this:

The expired writ will not be deleted. It’s a normal blessed item, and can decay or be lost like any other normal blessed item, but it won’t just vanish after 30 days.

Lake Superior 2011 Rares Fest Ends, Bag Winners Announced

The Lake Superior 2011 Rares Fest has officially closed, although vendors will be around for a few days.

The Petal from the Golden Lotus of Heaven contest winners were officially announced.

Bag Decoration Pictures #1
Bag Decoration Pictures #2
(There are some repeats in #2 – bags that had been messed up before were fixed)

Mokey Fraggle annouced the winners:

3rd place – 10 points each
“Spring Swing” by Magdalaine (Lake Superior) – 10 points
“Basket in Grass” by Carmelina (Europa) – 10 points

2nd place
“Puff the Magic Dragon” by Robber (Great Lakes) – 13 points

First place, Winner of the Petal of the Golden Lotus From Heaven
“A Japanese Easter Bunny” Yukimas (Atlantic) – 21 points


Any corrections needed, please contact one of us.

Lake Superior 2011 Rares Fest – Golden Lotus Contest Pics 2

That Petal from the Golden Lotus of Heaven contest that is finished and voting has commenced.

Part 1 is here

Here are additional screenshots of entries from yesterday or entries that that were messed up and are now showing properly.

Some of these in this first group are repeats from the other day – they are corrected bags that were screwed up previously.

Lake Superior - Petal from the Golden Lotus of Heaven contest, Part 3

This batch is from the second house.

Lake Superior - Petal from the Golden Lotus of Heaven contest, Part 4