Great Lakes and Atlantic had upwards of three-four times as many New Magincia lottery tickets sold as Lake Superior, but being that I didn’t have time to track any shards but my home shard, I’m going to present you with some data about Lake Superior and the New Magincia lottery.
This was personally verified by me up until about 30-45 minutes before Lake Superior went down for the normal daily maintenance and then came back up again, with the lottery winners being notified. It’s possible that somebody came in at the very last minute and bought a large number of tickets, but I think it’s unlikely.
By my calculations, there was a total of 2,728,896,000 gold spent overall. That’s 2.7 billion in gold. Not bad.
Both Facets – Northern Plots (N1, N2, N3, C2, C3, E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6, E7)
* 6,761 Tickets Sold
* Average of 281 tickets per plot
Trammel – Northern Plots (N1, N2, N3, C2, C3, E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6, E7)
* 5,304 Tickets Sold
* Average of 442 tickets per plot
* C-3 was the most popular plot with 452 tickets sold
* N-2 was the least popular plot with 436 tickets sold
Felucca – Northern Plots (N1, N2, N3, C2, C3, E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6, E7)
* 1,457 Tickets Sold
* Average of 121 tickets per plot
* C-2 was the most popular plot with 132 tickets sold
* E-5 was the least popular plot with 93 tickets sold
Both Plots – Southern Plots (SW1, SW2, SW3, SW4, SW5, SE1, SE2, SE3, SE4, C1)
* 1,330,643 Tickets Sold
* Average of 66,532 tickets sold per plot
Trammel – Southern Plots (SW1, SW2, SW3, SW4, SW5, SE1, SE2, SE3, SE4, C1)
* 1,150,125 Tickets Sold
* Average of 115,012 tickets per plot
* SE-1 was the most popular plot with 227,051 tickets sold
* SE-2 was the least popular plot with 74,979 tickets sold
Felucca – Southern Plots (SW1, SW2, SW3, SW4, SW5, SE1, SE2, SE3, SE4, C1)
* 180,518 Tickets Sold
* Average of 18,051 tickets per plot
* SW-1 was the most popular plot with 58,265 tickets sold
* SW-4 was the least popular plot with 6,129 tickets sold
* SE-2 and SE-3 had 6,939 and 6,891 tickets sold respectively
* SE-1 had 12, 667 tickets sold
Some Notes
* I saw Felucca numbers jump 10% – 20% on some plots in the evening before the plots were awarded.
* I was surprised that SE-2 on Trammel didn’t have more tickets sold. It will probably be close to the moongate once they move it, and will be near the new bank, as well as being near the site of the original bank. That happens to be where most of my runes for Magincia were marked.
I think the most interesting thing to me was how popular SW-1 was in Felucca, and SW-2 was in a distant second place, compared to SE-1 on Trammel, with SE-4 being in a distant second. I can partially attribute that to the HEMP guild – they look to own a few of those SW lots, and may have done a guild buy targeting a specific area, the SW spots.
As for me, I had bought a total of 388 tickets on Lake Superior, and won two houses, both in the northern section of Felucca. I bought tickets on every single plot on both facets as that was what I could afford. I was just hoping to win one and participate in New Magincia somehow. So far it is shaping up to be unique and not like Luna, although that may change once the additional phases of New Magincia’s reconstruction commence, such as the new vendor bazaar. I’m seeing a couple of museums on the Trammel side, and quite a few private homes (or guild houses) on both.
If somebody would like more details, or per plot details, I’d be more than happy to provide them for Lake Superior. If YOU have data you’d like to share about other shards, feel free to contact us and I’ll post them.