Email Notification Errors About Billing

Just in case you got an email about your account not having billing information, it was an error:

Some of you might have gotten an email about your account billing not having any information on it. You received these due to the fact we made a mistake and forgot to turn off the email notification. This means some of you got emails prematurely. We are sorry for any issues this might have caused and we are correcting this issue.

It’s probably tied to the Account Center downtime that was scheduled.

UO Herald

Account Center – Scheduled Downtime Through Friday

The Ultima Online Account Center/server downtime mentioned in the original account migration notion is set to take place tonight and continue through Friday afternoon, according to the UO Herald:

The Account Center will be down starting 11:30pm tonight, Wednesday the 10th of August and remain down until 4:10pm Friday the 12th of August for extended essential maintenance. If you have purchased gametime, expansions or boosters in the last few days please do not make an attempt to apply them until the account center is back up. Game servers will briefly be down on Friday afternoon, other than this you will able play as normal.

Thank you for your patience.

Should be interesting to see what happens. I’m curious to know if MyUO will function properly, with guild listings, skills, etc.

UO Herald

Another Update on UO Account Center Migration, Plus Return to Britannia Returns

Calvin Crowner, UO’s Producer, has posted the following update about the Account Center Migration:

Account Center Migration: Update

First, I want to thank all of you for your patience during this migration. Our operations team as well as Customer Support, and the game team have been working hard to make certain the migration goes smoothly.

In order to allow those accounts which may have gone inactive during this time to return to play UO, we have enabled the Return to Britannia login process. This will allow inactive and non-banned accounts to enter the game and play.

Also, we have put backend processes in place that will keep houses from also going inactive.

We have placed a thread (here) for anyone who has questions regarding the migration not answered in the FAQ. Once the account center is live, it will also be a place to update you about the account migration.

Important note: DO NOT post password or user account information on the forums!

One final note on the account center migration: If you have purchased gametime, expansions, or boosters in the last few days please do not make an attempt to apply them.

Once the account center is moved, and user data validated, game servers may come down for an extended period of time to confirm logins and gamecodes work correctly in the production environment. Our goal is to keep gameplay interruption to a minimum. We will keep you updated as this time approaches.

I have no idea how long the Return to Britannia program will be. Personally, I believe it should be permanent – allow any previous player to come back for a certain amount of time (2 or 4 weeks for instance) at any time.

As for the forum thread, see the Stratics thread for more details if you are having issues or questions.

UO Herald

Ultima Aiera Turns 7, Adds Digital Lycaeum

I missed it, but yesterday was the 7th birthday of Ultima Aiera, and WTF Dragon has posted a summary of UA’s birthday:

I think I can finally say that the site has finally arrived, now in 2011, at the place I intended it to be lo those many years ago. This site really is the place to come for information about “all [the] remakes, patches, and Ultima-inspired projects and utilities out there on the web”.

If you’d like to take a peek at his first post, have at it, but WTF Dragon is doing something far more interesting for the 7th birth, he’s launching the Digital Lycaeum, which is very ambitious and will be well received as it was sorely needed. Here’s his take on it:

Over the years, and through many fine projects, Ultima fans have generated a lot of music, artwork, and even 2D and 3D graphical assets. My aim, in launching this Digital Lycaeum, is to bring together in one convenient repository as much of that content as possible, for other aspiring Ultima fan project teams to take advantage of and use in their own works. To that end, this site will allow registered users to upload all manner of game assets which, once they are vetted, can be downloaded and used for free by any and all interested groups. Interested users will also be able to sign up and post reviews of content…and maybe even other Ultima projects; I haven’t decided on that last point just yet.

If you are interested, you can visit the Digital Lycaeum.

And speaking of Ultima and Origin stuff, today the Wing Commander Combat Information Center celebrates its 13th birthday. In celebration of this milestone, the CIC is featuring “Newly released behind-the-screens material from every Wing Commander game!” and a live report from my hometown, Austin, Texas.

Origin Publish: Fishermen and Ladies, Pirates, and Boaters Rejoice

Technically, if you aren’t on Origin, don’t start rejoicing just yet. Origin has to test it out first, but once the devs are happy, the rest of the shards will get it. Given how specific the bug fixes are, my guess is that we’ll see it elsewhere within the week.

On to the details, at 2pm EST, Origin received a published to address the following issues:
* Runes for decayed or otherwise destroyed ships will now reset when they are attempted to be used.
* Players will now receive keys for legacy ships instead of runes
* Dry-docked ships should now leave the world correctly.
* The harbormaster now only gives a rune for the ship owned by the character instead of for all ships owned by that account.
* Ships should now hue correctly based on type

It should address the biggest problems people were having with their ships.

UO Herald