Let’s Play the Speculation Game About the Graphics

I may not be able to contribute a lot to the site for the next several days, but I can still post from my phone. Please excuse typos or a lack of shift key usage. Deck can fix those.

This is commentary, not news. Actually it’s speculation to be precise, but if you are after news, skip over this. Just so you know, my track record with UO speculation is about 50%, less if you ask my friends.

Hopefully Deckard will add appropriate links after I post this, but here goes. Tonight, somebody with UO posted on Facebook that the graphics document is written (link). This is their plan for whatever you want to call the graphics upgrade or the higher resolution or enhanced artwork. Details are supposed to be released soon.

The other night during the video panel, they had to discuss whether or not to discuss the artwork. They even muted the audio on us and went to a UO logo screen.

Last week, Cal made a very cryptic reference to a lot happening between January 3rd and now (link). Deckard can provide the date/links, but you can search for January 3rd and probably hit it. It was a very cryptic reference that implied that major things involved UO were happening. I don’t think our archives are back online just yet, but prior to January 3rd, it seemed they had a pretty clear plan for UO moving forward, and it didn’t seem to include a graphics update. By now most of us had expected the next booster to be announced, since that would match their schedule. Cal also made a reference to pr adding game footage, and that played out really weird as far as where the footage came from and whether it was stock EA footage.

Last week, we also get the dev video diary (link). It was butchered, and I’m being kind. There was something like 5 seconds devoted to the upgraded graphics and Supreem’s comments before and after his brief mention of the upgraded graphics were edited out.

From the video HOC (link) they were clearly no where close to talking about the new player experience.

But they have the graphics plan finished.

I’m going to say that what held up the dev video diary and what led to the mysterious butchering of the dev video diary was also what Cal cryptically referred to as happening between January 3rd and now, which is the graphics upgrade and its discussion.

I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the dev video diary was delayed for so long and then within a week of it being released, they announce they have the graphics plan finished, nor was it a coincidence that they actually had to discuss whether to talk more about the graphics at the HOC.

It also makes complete sense to have the graphics upgrade in place before the new player experience is ready.

A Bit About the Ultima Online Graphics Upgrade

If you aren’t following the official Ultima Online Facebook page, and how can you not be, you might have missed this from a few hours ago.

Dear Ultima Online, apart from the great lore you guys have, will we see any upgrade graphics system? apart from the 3rd person, 2d-3d perspective?

The official answer:

Well we are working on some updates to the graphics this year. It’s one of our priorities. A bit more details soon :) As in the doc is written, need to clean it up for public consumption :)

If they are that close to releasing details about it, that might explain the large amount of off-camera discussion that went on during the UO Video House of Commons when it was brought up.

Read: Facebook.com/UltimaOnline

A Breakdown of Last Night’s UO Video House of Commons

Update #2: Stratics has posted 40 minutes or so of the video. Part one is here at YouTube and you can follow through the other parts from there. They had problems with another 15-20 minutes or so. If they cannot recover that video, I’ll post the missing bit. My audio got out of sync though at some point, but I do have it all.

Update: I’ve had a lot of people ask me about posting a video, and yes, I could do it. It would be very easy – I would just have to split it into 10-minute segments for YouTube, and that would take me a good 5-10 minutes. I’m not interested in doing that since an official copy will probably be posted at some point, plus I don’t think all that much is gained from it at this point. They really jumped around on topics and it’s better to read the transcripts, or even better to read the summary below. What I might be willing to do is add on to the summary below, where each item was addressed in the transcript or how far into the video it was. If needed, I will post the video, but I’m sure they’ll make it available. I’m flying solo right now – the other person helping is out of town for the next week, and I probably spent a few hours on the transcript. I’ve got some other things to do on the site first.

I saw some criticism that it focused too much on items that people were getting or wanting to get in the short term rather than looking at UO in the long term. I don’t believe that is a fair criticism. If you look at everything thing that was actually said, when it’s grouped together, the criticism that it was focused on items starts to dry up. Certainly many people were asking about items, that was plain enough to see, but much of the actual discussion was tied to future plans, game mechanics, and other things that weren’t item-based.

I think we got a good glimpse of the bigger picture, it’s just that it was parceled out in small pieces. It’s very hard to see what a painting is when you are only seeing it in small pieces. What I decided to do, after spending a lot of time putting together a transcript, is bring you the bigger picture. I should have done this instead of a transcript, but I was half-way through the transcript before really deciding to do it.

What I have done is group all dev answers into their topics. I’ve included some specific quotes on certain issues, but all of the references below are tied directly to what was said, and are not speculation. They are not necessarily in order of reference within the transcripts.

If you’d like to read the full transcripts yourself, here they are:
* UO Video House of Commons Transcript, part 1
* UO Video House of Commons Transcript, part 2
* UO Video House of Commons Transcript, part 3
* UO Video House of Commons Transcript, part 4

March of 2011 / Publish 70
* Will see the restoration of Magincia
* Will see Publish 70 (tied to Magincia)
* More quest(s) and mobs for Abyss

Artwork – High Resolution / Enhanced Artwork
* Not going to be 100% pushed out at once
* Will be pushed out “in pieces”
* Cal: “One so you guys can see progress, and then two so that it actually looks like it’s planned, and then three, so we don’t miss anything.
* When asked whether it would be new or higher resolution artwork, the devs had the audio and video muted/turned off while discussing it, and then responded that they will release more information in the future, and that it’s too early now.

Booster Packs
* Cal: “When you see the new items, you’ll probably see the new booster at the same time.
* May see “soon”
* Mesanna: “Okay, it’s not going to be a full-blown booster though.

BOD Rewards / Gold (Bulk Order Deed)
* No clear answer on whether it’s being looked at.

Character Copy
* Vital to testing PVP Arena
* Will allow players to fully copy a character from their home shard to the Test Center, rather than building a new character on the TC. Will allow that character to remain on the original shard.
* Will only work with Test Centers
* Cannot be used to clone characters on live shards
* Maybe available before the end of March

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March 1, 2011 UO Video House of Commons Transcript Part 4

This is part four of four, of the transcripts from last night’s Video House of Commons.

Other parts of the transcripts (four parts in total):
* Part 1 of the Transcript
* Part 2 of the Transcript
* Part 3 of the Transcript

As previously mentioned, I apologize in advance for any errors. If you notice any errors, please contact us and we’ll correct them as soon as possible. This transcript is taken from a video I recorded. It is hard to convey when they are talking over each other or when they seem excited or unsure of whether to answer something or to continue, so I would recommend you watch the video and judge for yourself if you have the time.

UOJournal.com Notes
(?) or *unintelligible* means I couldn’t quite understand it and maybe guessing.
* Cal = Calvin Crowner, UO Producer
* Mesanna = Bonnie Armstrong, UO Associate Producer, head of EMs
* Supreem = Derek Brinkman, UO Lead Engineer

Off Camera: Umm..the BOD rewards and gold amounts have long remained the same since AOS, could we have a quick update and new items to choose from, menu-style(?) and maybe a 10% increase in gold for (?)
Cal: I like that..(?) I just like..why don’t you just go ahead and add that on top of it
Off Camera: Well you know, when you’re talking to the developers…
Cal: Exactly
Off Camera: Might as well ask for everything
Cal: Can I get fries and whipped cream
Mesanna: Can I get fries with that
Cal: Exactly
Cal: I want a BOD with fries please.
Supreem: Noted
Cal: Bulk Order Fries
Mesanna: *laughs*
Cal: Do you want to table that one
Mesanna: Ummm…
Cal: You can table it
Mesanna: *nodding her head* yeah I don’t want to answer that one
Cal: Yeah you don’t want to answer that.
Cal: Bonnie is pleading the fifth. Go ahead

Off Camera: Uhh, have you ever thought of combining shards into one, for exactly Europa and
Cal: Yeah, yeah, we’ve thought about it
Supreem: It’s a big challenge…you know games like Warhammer Online which are very dependent on player populations, they have no choice but to merge servers because in order for that game to be fun, they need lots of players in the world. If you ask some of our UO players that are on a tiny shard do they want to move, they’ll probably say no. They like their small community, they like their friends, umm..you know, if you wanted to, you could get a character transfer and go to a more populated shard. Players don’t do it because they like their small communities. It’s very difficult to come up with a solution for that in our game because we have houses all over the world. Um…
Cal: And what he means by that is that like literally across the planet with different people (?) and different shards.
Supreem: There is a possibility of doing something similar to what Camelot (Dark Age of Camelot) does, which is, it’s called clustering where you take areas of the world and share them between servers. A lot of technology goes into doing something like that and it would be a major undertaking for us. We would basically have to neglect the game for a while to make that happen, which to us is just not worth it right now.
Cal: Right
Supreem: If our players like their small communities, they can stay there. If they want to go to a bigger shard, they can transfer.
Cal: Also the other side of that is how do you determine which ones you do, right, because the thing that we’ve learned about our community is not only is it vocal, but it’s dedicated and it’s been around a long time, so having to tell someone you know of 12 or 13 years, oh by the way we’re moving your stuff, that’s a really difficult, and I think honestly an unfair decision to have to ask somebody to do.

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Live-Blogging the Video HOC

Update – Full Transcripts
* Part 1
* Part 2

Notes from the video House of Commons (Latest at the top):

Note: There are probably going to be errors in what I typed below, in regards to matching up with the video. I intend to go through and put together a coherent post with direct quotes. I was typing really fast, and once or twice the video glitched or I missed something. Do not take what I typed as 100% accurate!

And the HoC is finished.

Keeps/Castles customizable
* Not an easy question
* Have talked about enhancing them
* Talk about locking things down in courtyard

Abandoned Homes
* Getting rid of them as they can
* Takes time
* Associate Producer just deleted 200 houses on Legends

Discussion of Reptalon and slots
* Associate Producer will discuss it later

In-Game Economy
* Change the amount of gold looted on monsters to be lower
* Lead Developer/Supreem: Gold should be higher in monster loot. (UOJ Note???)
* More loot should be on monsters to help the new players

UO Game Codes Store
* More stuff up, rotating items out, etc.
* Getting an item up on the store is a huge process

Siege Perilous
* Can’t character transfer, technically impossible
* Many exceptions required
* Siege is an island and is designed that way

Character Copy
* Character Copy – character transfer without removing it from the source
* Lets you take your specific characters and try them out out on TC.
* Only on Test Center

PVP Arena open this spring
* “Hope so”
* Hardware migration delayed it
* Starting to be looked at
* 90% of the way there, but the 10% left is 90% of it.
* Something headed towards the Test Center

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