So you want your establishment highlighted on our UO Player-Run Establishments page?
The following is a loose guideline of the kinds of questions we would like to ask. If you would like to, and find it difficult to meet online, you can put together answers to the following questions and contact us at the links above. Be aware that we might ask about topical/ongoing events that affect Ultima Online. You are under no obligation to answer every question!
Tell us a bit about your main character(s)
What is your background in Ultima Online?
How long has your establishment been in existence, and what history is behind it?
Why did you choose this location?
Did you have any other establishments that led up to the existing establishment?
Do you organize or participate in any player-run events?
If you have vendors, do they specialize in anything?
If you have vendors, how do you attract people to your establishment?
If you have vendors, what is your experience these days?
If you have recently returned, what prompted you to do so, and what do you think of the changes since you’ve been away?
What do you see for the future of UO?
What would you like to see as we look ahead to the 15th Anniversary in 2012?
Any other thoughts and comments? Anything you’d like to say in general?