The UO Community Would Like You To Know About JP GrimmOmen Harrod

We are part of the Ultima Online community that JP ‘GrimmOmen’ Harrod served for over 10 years.

These are our thoughts and endorsements of someone who has helped create our world. May he bring as much joy, openness, and creativity to whomever is lucky enough to find him.


The players of Ultima Online

The longest running MMORPG at 15yrs this September 2012

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16 thoughts on “The UO Community Would Like You To Know About JP GrimmOmen Harrod”

  1. I as a player of Ultima Onine for over 12 years would like to say how much I will miss GrimmOmen when he is gone. With his talents and attributes, my playing experience has been unmatched in anything else available. Thank you Grimm for your service. You will be missed.

  2. An inspiration who will be sorely missed. The logic behind the decision that deprives us, the ultima online players, of his talent escapes me completely. He is an asset that should not be overlooked or undervalued.

  3. Words can not express the heartbreak we feel as a community for seeing one of the iconic developers of our beloved game leave. We wish J.P. “TheGrimmOmen” Harrod the best on his future adventures!

  4. J.P. Harrod has been vital to the success of one of the longest-running MMORPGs on the market. His talented artwork, sense of vision, and leadership capacity are exemplary, but it was his professionalism, loyalty, and congeniality that made the playerbase love him. He will be an unrivaled asset to any future endeavor and we wish him well.

  5. GrimmOmen has done more than create the art in our world. He spent the better part of his career communicating with players of Ultima Online how art impacts our world. We were educated along the way and it was due to his openness without coddling that true interaction took place. Whether I agreed with what was happening as a player or not, I respected him for making me feel like a part of the process.

    We don’t want you to have him but the ever evolving industry says we must adapt. The next company he lands at will get to experience what we have the last 10 yrs.

  6. JP GrimmOmen Harrod.. My where to start.. In the short time I have known him he managed to fill our community with hope and wonderful art to go with it.

    His open honesty to us from all prospectives not just the field he worked in was above and beyond the call of duty. His art contribution to a game that has lasted nearly 15 years (at the time this was written) was out standing despite having to create for two different graphical clients that work side by side.

    Who ever ends up gaining this truly special person will gain a treasure both for their art sector and in any type of community whether it be co workers or the public/customers.

  7. J.P.Harrod, you are a very talented and passionate person, whose contributions to the UO community and game has been massive and invaluable. You will be very much missed by us all. Good luck to you in the future.

  8. J.P. Harrod had the courage to engage a sometimes hostile UO community with grace and professionalism. His fair treatment of the players and willingness to communicate earned him a place among the list of beloved Devs.

    He creativity will be sorely missed.

  9. From my 9 year player standpoint, the developer we know as GrimmOmen has been a great communicator, both in game and on forums, has taken everything the sometimes not so tactful folks threw at him, and came out the gentleman that he is. I hope him every success possible, we love and admire him and we will miss him terribly. Words cannot convey the sad feeling I have knowing he won’t be around any more.

  10. Oh Grimm I’ll miss you! You are a great developer and it was always a pleasure to interact with you on the website. Thanks for all your hard work. You really gave of yourself and your devotion to the community was outstanding. I will remember you with fondness. What a loss to UO and to the UO Community. You will be sorely missed. Our community has lost one of its best.

  11. For once, I’m actually crying over what ultimately amounts to a video game I joined many years ago, simply to see what it was about. I found friends, great gameplay, and a community that never faltered in their desire to make the game better, and to help each other. I’ve seen people come and go. I’ve had Queen Mum’s cookies, I’ve seen news of good friends passing from this mortal sphere, and sad as it may seem… I’ve now seen the best of the dev team leave. Fare thee well, J.P., and farewell to UO and EA/Mythic. They have lost my support…

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