BioWare Mythic at PAX – UO Announcement Perhaps?

I was looking at the PAX Prime schedule and saw BioWare is making three presentations next week. For those of you not familiar with PAX, PAX is a three-day game “festival” that covers videogames (and not just consoles – PC and Mac as well). They have discussions and presentations from publishers. PAX is taking place August 26th – 28th, 2011, in Seattle Washington.

Those three BioWare presentations are:

BioWare Mythic – Content to be Announced
Pegasus Theatre
Saturday 5:30pm – 6:30pm
Come and meet the minds behind some of your favorite games plus check back to this page for exciting updates as PAX draws closer…

Dragon Age – The Future
Unicorn Theatre
Saturday 9:30pm – 10:30pm
Join BioWare and members of the Dragon Age development team as they discuss the Dragon Age franchise with a look back at what has been done so far and a look ahead to what you can expect in the future. BioWare staff and Dragon Age team members will be on hand to answer questions and to give a look at what is still to come for Dragon Age.

Star Wars: The Old Republic: The Force is Strong with This One
Main Theatre
Sunday 2:00pm – 3:00pm
The master storytellers at BioWare and LucasArts have worked together to create an immersive experience with Star Wars: The Old Republic. The Old Republic team will be in full force at PAX this year, with a new presentation showcasing the development and progress of this genre changing story-driven MMO! Expect new reveals, exclusive gameplay footage, and a Q&A with attendees. Join us!

The “content to be announced” is very interesting as far as I’m concerned. Now most likely it will be the Warhammer Online: Wrath of Heroes game that was just announced in Germany at Gamescom this past week. At the time this schedule was assembled for the PAX festival, the Warhammer game had not been announced, and so it makes sense that they would use a generic description.

However they do mention a plural “games” when talking about developers who will be at that presentation/discussion. Now what else is happening next week? We are getting the details of Ultima Online Publish 72 which should include the first significant details about UO’s high resolution artwork update, as well as information about UO’s 14th anniversary. If BioWare Mythic is going to have personnel from multiple games there, it would stand to reason that they would not pass up a chance to draw attention to an artwork/graphics update for UO.