April 21st – 24th there was a nice sale going on, on EA.com, with Ultima Online: Stygian Abyss upgrades selling at around $10 US.
Now we have another sale going that covers 180+ EA titles, and among those titles are, you guessed it, Stygian Abyss. It’s $8.99 plus tax, which makes it slightly cheaper than last week’s sale.
But also included is the High Seas booster. Yes, you are reading that right. The High Seas booster is included in this sale. For $8.99, $9.73 with tax. It’s rare to see the High Seas booster in my opinion.
It’s only applicable to today, April 29th, 2011.
More information:
* EAStore.EA.com – Spring Blow Out
* Also EAStore.EA.com – Ultima Online
* or EAStore.EA.com – High Seas
If you are outside of the US, I don’t know what to tell you in regards to whether this applies. If you are within the US, and you have problems, follow the link I provided above that says “EAStore.EA.com – Spring Blow Out”, and then select 41-50 for the Stygian Abyss account upgrade, or 121-130 for High Seas.
You might also try this direct link to High Seas on EAStore.EA.com.
Some people on Stratics have indicated that they are having problems seeing the sale prices and that they are having to keep trying or refreshing, or going through the Spring Blowout Sale banner. If the prices are still $14.99, keep trying. There are a lot of other titles up for sale, including BioWare titles – Dragon Age, Mass Effect, etc., as well as other EA titles like the Sims Medieval.
It does look as though a lot of people are hitting this sale, as Ultima-Registration.com is constantly timing out for me. You might try different browsers if you have problems.
Between last week’s sale that had Stygian Abyss, and this week’s sale that included both, I’ve updated all of my accounts for High Seas and Stygian Abyss. The prices really make it worthwhile, and don’t forget, with High Seas, you get a 20% storage increase on your bank box and housing storage.